About UsWelcome to Guernsey's only fencing club for all ages.
The senior section of the club has many members who regularly meet on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at the Beau Sejour Leisure Centre. Fencing is at all three weapons and there are regular league nights, for foil, épée and sabre and a veterans’ league. Other, informal, events include mixed weapon competitions, mixed ability team competitions and handicap competitions. There is also the opportunity to fence on Monday evenings, with social fencing at the Vale Douzaine Rooms. |
MusketeersSarnia Sword Club also has a junior section for the 9 to
13 age group, called The Musketeers which meets on Thursday evenings from 6.30pm to 7.30pm with their own league events, competitions, qualified coaches and free loan of kit. The season commences in September, please contact sarniaswordclub@outlook.com for further information. BeginnersSarnia Sword Club run beginners' Courses for anyone over the age of 14. Courses last 8 weeks and occur between September and May in the Sir John Loveridge Hall at Beau Sejour.
The lessons start at 7.30pm and last about one hour. The cost is £70 for those aged 18 or over (there is no upper age limit) and £60 for those aged between 14 and 18, these courses include social membership of 'British Fencing' and Guernsey Union d'Escrime' All protective clothing is provided for the duration of the course and taught by qualified coaches. fencers should wear a round-necked T-shirt (which fits more comfortably under the jacket), denim jeans or similar full length trousers ( no 'combat' trousers with loops or leg pockets please, and shorts or jogging / track suit trousers are not suitable), and trainers. for further information, please contact sarniaswordclub@outlook.com |